Conferences and Presentations

Conferences and Presentations

1.Training of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist on Management of Education Program for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.(Conference )18 th International Conference of European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry . 30 June -2 July 2019 Hofburg Vienna

2-Assessment and Follow Up of Children and Adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Invited Speaker) Workshop 17 April 2019 Developmental Disability Clinic –Tokyo Japon

1) Current data on educational programs for children with autism spectrum disorders (Conference). 23th World Congress of International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and allied Professions (IACAPAP 2018 )Prague

2)Psychiatric Comorbidity in Individuals with Autism(Conference). 23th World Congress of International Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and allied Professions(IACAPAP 2018 )Prague

3)Clinical follow up of children with optimal outcome(Conference). Baha Bianca Argentina September 2017

4)Assessment of Psychiatric comorbidity in children with Autism(workshop). Baha Bianca Argentina September 2017

5.Autism spectrum Disorders (Conference) II. International Autism Conference. Baku 2016
6-Comorbidity in Autism spectrum disorder (Course) II.International Autism Conferance. Baku Azerbayjan 2016

7.What Happens to Children Who Lose the Diagnosis of Autism?A clinical Follow Up study. 16TH ESCAP 2015 Madrid Spain( conference)

8.Follow Up of Children and Adolescent with Past History of Autism(Poster with Tuba Mutluer, Başak Paşabeyoğlu, Ayla Umut) 15th IMFAR Salt Lake City USA

9.Recent developments in Autism Spectrum Disorders . Near East University ,Cyprus 20th April 2015

10.Current approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorders . Baku Azerbaijan 7th April 2015

11.Autism Spectrum Disorder: An overview. International Autism Conference –Antalya 2014

12.Diagnostic assessment in autism spectrum disorders. International Conference of Psychopharmacology Conference Antalya 2014

13.Charcteristics of Children Who lost the diagnosis of Autism. IMFAR, San Sebastian 2013

14.“Recovery in autism” .6th International Iranian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ,Tebriz-Iran 18
Sep 2013

15.Diagnostic Assessment in autism spectrum disorders. 6th International Iranian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ,Tebriz-Iran 19 Sep 2013

16. Optimal Outcome in Autism. ACAPAP –Paris(2012)

17. Out come in Autism Spectrum Disorders (conference) 1.Congresso Internasionale Autismo Oct 1-2 2011 Salerno Italy

18.Comorbidity Of Pediatric Bipolar Disorder with ADHD (Symposium). Sep 1 18-22 ,2011 World Psychiatric Association Buenos Aires Argentina

19.Suicide in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. IMFAR , May 12-14 San Diego ,CA,USA ( joint with Dr Tutkunkardaş)

20.Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in subject with autism spectrum disorders. IMFAR , May 12-14 San Diego ,CA,USA (joint with Dr Mehtar)

21.Comorbidity of Mood disorder with ADHD.(workshop),presented at Life long Education for ADHD Physician(LEAP)Madrid Nov 26-27 2010 Madrid Spain

22. Referral Pattern in Children and Adolescents with Asperger Syndrome: a Turkish Sample(Joint with Dr Tanidir) 57 th Annual Meeting AACAP Oct 2010 New York

23. Comorbidity of ADHD&Neurodevelopmental Disorders(Symposium).19th World congress of International Association for Child &Adolescent Psychiatry and allied Professional(IACAPAP) Beijing China June 2010

24.Differences in Outcome and Developmental Trajectories in Autism Spectrum Disorders(Symposium) 19th World congress of International Association for Child &Adolescent.Psychiatry and allied Professional(IACAPAP) Beijing China June 2010China

25.Suicidal Behaviors in Individuals with Diagnosis of High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders.(oral presentation joint with Dr Tutkunkardaş&Karakoç) 19th World congress of International Association for Child &Adolescent Psychiatry and allied Professional(IACAPAP) Beijing China June 2010China

26.Comparing the psychiatric comorbidity between high functioning autism and asperger’s disorder.Poster(Joint with Dr Herguner &Tanidir) ,56 th Annual Meeting AACAP HAWAI I,Honolulu Oct 2009

27.Comorbidity of Bipolar Disorders in subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorders.(Joint with Dr Herguner ve Tanidir)8 th IMFAR Chicago 2009

28.Psychiatric Disorders in Individuals with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger’s Disorder: Similarities and Differences (Symposit) ESCAP 2009 Budapest

29. Asperger’s Disorder (invited speaker ) ,autism conference” II bambino autistic cresce” 25-26 sep 2009 Sicily ,ITALY

30.Assessment of autism spectrum disorder from infancy to adulthood.(Course,invited speaker) Bucharest 14 April 2008
31 .Psychiatric comorbidity in asperger disorder. Work Shop Internazionale l autismo oGGi .Genoa Italy 22-24 oct 2008(Invited Speaker)

32.Co-morbidity of Bipolar Disorder in Children and Adolescents with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)(Joint with Dr Luş).55th AACAP ,Chicago 2008.

33.Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Bipolar Disorder :Comorbidity in Children and Adolescents 11TH Bridging Western and Eastern Psychiatry(Conference) Antalya ,Sep 2008

34.Autism Spectrum Disorders and sensory impairments.(Symposist) 18 th World congress of International Assoc. For Child &Adolesc.Psychiatry and allied Professiona(.IACAPAP) Istanbul Turkey May 2008

35.Comorbidity of psychiatric disorders in individuals with diagnosis of Asperger disorder. (Symposist) 18. th World congress of International Assoc. For Child &Adolesc.Psychiatry and allied Professiona (IACAPAP) Istanbul Turkey May 2008

36..Mirtazapine for execessive masturbation in subjects with diagnosis of autistic disorder.(Poster) 18 th World congress of International Assoc. For Child &Adolesc.Psychiatry and allied Professiona(.IACAPAP)(Joint with Dr Coskun et al) İstanbul Turkey May 20008

37.Subacute sclerosing panensephalitis presenting with psychotic symptoms.(Poster) (joint with Dr Tanidir ) 18 th World congress of International Assoc. For Child &Adolesc.Psychiatry and allied Professional(IACAPAP) İstanbul Turkey.

38.Psychiatric comorbidity in subjects with AS(poster ) IMFAR 2008 London

39. Psychopharmacology of Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department , Carol Davila Univeristy of Mdicine and Pharmacy:Romania ,Bucharest 2007(invited speaker)

40. Pervasive Developmental Disorders in Individuals With Cerebral Palcy.54 th Annual Meeting,American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Boston USA 2007(Scentific Proceeding page 230 joint with Dr Kilincaslan)

41.Autosomal recessive loci in familial autism using a systematic homozygosity mapping strategy .(Joint with Dr Morrow etal.) BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY 61 (8): 10S-10S 25 Suppl. S, APR 15 2007 meeting abstract

42.Identification of Autosomal Recessive Genes for Familial Autism and Mental Retrdation.
( oral presentation ,joint with Dr Morrow ,Montreal , IMFAR 2006)

43.Agnesis of the Corpus Callosum and Autistic Disorder.
(Poster with Dr Herguner , IMFAR Montreal 2006

44.Exacerbation of autistic features during episodes of Kleine-Levin Syndrome in a case with Overgrowth syndrme and PDD-NOS
( Joint with Dr Fateh &Kilincaslan) Poster IMFAR Montreal 2006

45.ADHD in Turkey (Symposit),World Psychiatric Association meeting) 12-16 July 2006, Istanbul

46.Tactile sensitivity in autism.(Joint with Burak Guçlü Et al.)3th International developmental neuropsychiatry meeting 2006 İstanbul

47.Identification of Autosomal Recessive Genes for Familial Autism and Mental Retrdation.(joint with Dr Morrow)
(oral presentation Montreal , IMFAR 2006)

48.Tactile sensitivity in autism.( Poster joint with Dr Guçlü ,)Neouroscience meeting Washington DC 2005 )

49.Autism in Visually impaired individuals (Oral presentation),IMFAR , Boston, May 2005

50.Reactive attachment disorder in Turkey.(Conference) 16.IACAPAP Meeting Berlin 2004

51.Neuropsychological assessment of cases with Aperger Disorder (poster ,joint with Dr.Kilinçaslan) 16.IACAPAP Meeting Berlin 2004

52. Risperdone Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Pervasive Developmental Disorder: an Open Pilot Study. (Poster joint with Dr Abalı,) Social Brain Sweden 2003.

53. Homicid in a 10-years old Girl with Autistic Disorder. (poster joint with Dr Topçu)Social Brain Sweeden 2003.

54. Early Childhood Neglect and Overeating: What Can We Learn About Childhood. World Association for İnfant Mental Health (WAIMH) 2002 Amsterdam.(Oral Presentation,Joint with Dr Riolo)

55. Sosyodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Cases With RAD (Poster,Joint with Dr Abali)-WAIMH 2002 Amsterdam.

56.Citalopram in Cases With Comorbidity of Tourette, ADHD and OCD.(Poster Joint with Dr Abali&Kaynak) IACAPAP meeting , India – 2002.

57.Citalopram in Children and Adolescent With OCD. Poster Joint with Dr Abali&Kaynak XII WPA Congress Yokohama – Japon 2002.

58.Prevalance of ADHD in Children of Alcoholics.( Poster ,Joint with Dr Kaynak)WPA 2002, Japan.

59.Psychoeducational Treatment of Cases With Autism and Reactive Attachment Disorder(Poster ,Joint with Dr Kaynak) ISIS 2002- Toronto

60.Trichotillomania in Monozygot twin (Poster ,Joint with Dr Kaynak) Child Congress 2001, Israel.

61.Neuropsychological Test Findings in Turkish Children with ADHD: Attention, Memory, Visuaspatial Abilities and Executive Functions. 3 RD International Scientific Symosyum on Tourette Syndrome (Poster ,Joint with Dr Kora) New York 1999.

62. Is Borderline Personality Disorders an Expession of Attention Deficit / Hyperactivty Disorder in Adults? (Oral Persantation ,joint with Dr Kora) III. Turkish-Germany Psychiatry Congress Berlin-1998.

63 .Neuropsychological Feautures of Turkish Children With ADHD (Poster ,Joint with Dr Kora)Turkish – Genman Psychiatry Congress-Berlin 1998.

1. Different diagnosis in different psychiatric hospitalization. 25. National Meeting of Psychiatry and Noroloji Mersin 1989.

2. Psychotherapy in obesity. Annual Meeting of Psychiatry – Balçova 1990

3. Comparsion of ADHD criteria in DSM III-R with “ Hiperkinetic Disorder” in ICD-10 . III. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Congress Istanbul – 1993.

4. WISC-R & Bender Gestalt in Children with ADHD, III Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Congress İstanbul 1993.

5. Comparison of Personality of Parents of Children with Conduct Disorder with Parents of Children with ADHD III. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry congress Istanbul 1993.

6. Consultation Service in Child Psychiatry Department. III. Liasion Psychiatry Congress Istanbul 1994.

7. From Oedipal Phase to Latency: Identification with Agressor IV. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Congress Bursa 1994.

8. Basic Principle of Pediatric Psychopharmacology (invited speaker) IV. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Congress Bursa 1994.

9. Treatment of Depression in Childhood (invited speakar) III: Anatolia Psychiatry symposium . Trabzon 1995.

10. Efficacy of Fluoxetine in Social Phobia: V. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Congress Ankara 1995.

11. Clinical Evaluation of Cases who exposed to sexual abuse. V. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Congress 1995.

12. EEG Findings in Cases with Dissociative Disorder. 13. National Clinical Neurophysiologi Congress. Istanbul 1995.

13. Problems in Methodology of Child Psychiatry Epidemiyological study ( invited speaker) IV Anatolia Psychiatry Sylmposium . Konya 1995.

14. EEG and Anticonvulsion drugs in Child Psychiatric Disorder (invited speaker) Postgraduate Course of Neurology Istanbul 1996.

15. Efficacy and Limitation of Cognitive – Behavioral Psychotherapy in Children and Adolescents (invited speaker) 6. Child&Adolescent Psychiatry Congres. Pamukkale 1996

16. “Psychosexual Development”. 19. Pediatri Symposium. 1997 Istanbul

17. “Psychosocial Developments. “14. Istanbul Medical Faculty Postgraduate Course (invited speaker) 1997, Istanbul.

18. Differential Diagnosis Between Cases with PDD and L.Klefner. IIX National Child &Adolescent Psychiatry Sapanca 1998.

19. Comorbidity of Borderline Personality Disorder and ADHD. IIX National Child Psychiatry Congress Sapanca 1998.

20. Pervasive developmental disorder: Difficulties in diagnosis. (invited speaker) IIX National Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Congress 1998.

21. EEG Findings in Cases With Autism 9. National Child Psychiatry Congress.
Adana 1999.

22. Relationship between clinical symptoms and HLA in autistic disorder. IX- National Child Psychiatry Congress. Adana 1999.

23. Chromozomal Abnormalities in Cases with Autistic Disorder: Case Report IX Child Psychiatry Congress Adana 1999.

24. Borderline Personality Disorder and ADHD. Mualla Öztürk Symposium Ankara 1999.

25. Reactive Attachment Disorder and similarity with autism. (invited speaker). Spring symposium . Antalya 2001

26. Mothers and their children in nontraditional families (invited speaker) Springs Symposium Antalya 2003-05-07.

27.Asperger Syndrome.I. Istanbul Autism Symposıum. Istanbul 2003

28.Clinical Charecteristics of Cases with Asperger Disorder,(invited speaker) National Child Psychiatry Meeting 2004 Bursa, Turkey

29.Autism and Visual Impairment. II.Istanbul Autism Symposium ,Istanbul Turkey 2004

30-ADHD in Adolescent . (invited speaker).IX. Adolescents Meetings Istanbul Turkey 2004

31-Comorbidity in Autism.(invited speaker)I .International Special education and autism symposium,Izmir Turkey. 2005

32-Early symptoms of autism.(invited speaker).III. International meeting of Cerebral Palsy.Istanbul 2005

33- ADHD :Clincal charecteristics,comorbidity,prognosis.(invited speaker).I .Psychopharmacology congress .Istanbul 2005

34- Early symptoms of autistic disorder.(invited speaker)Pediatri conference Istanbul 2006

35-Clinical Characteristics of Autism .( invited speaker)Turkish-Fin Pediatri Congress 2006 Anatalya

36- Autism ( invited speaker),VI- Child Neurolgy meetings Isatnbul Turkey 2007

37-Learning Disorders :clinical features and comorbidities. (invited speaker)16th National Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Meeting İzmir 2007

38-Neuropsychological features in Rolandic Epilepsy : A preliminary report(oral presentation).Psikosomatic medicine meeting –III 2007

39.Psychophramcology of Autistic disorder and comorbid disorders( invited speaker).Yavuz Renda symposium,3. child Neurology-Psychiatry meeting Afyon 2007

40- Pervasive Devlopmental Disorders and Childhood Psychotic Disorders:Comorbidities and diferential Diagnosis.( invited speaker) 16 Adolescent Conference Turkey 2007

41-Autistic Disorder . Pediatri Course program 2007

42-ADHD.Pediatry Course program 2007

43- Assessment of ADHD and comorbid condidtions.ADHD institute(Jenssen Cilag)14 March 2008

44-Treatment strategy in subjects with comorbidity of epilepsy ,autism ,tic and ADHD ADHD institute(Jenssen -Cilag)15 march 2008

41-Asperger Disorder: Psychiatric Comorbidity .18 National Child Psychiatry Conference,İstanbul,Turkey

42-ADHD:55 th Annual National Pediatry Conference –Antalya 2008

43-Comorbid issue in ADHD .ADHD institute ,2009

44-Psychopharmacolgical approaches in individuals with diagnosis of ASD. 3rd Psychopharmacolgy congress –Istanbul,2009

45-Co existance of Bipolar disorder and ASD.19th National child and adolesecnt Psychiatry Congress. Antakya 2009 (invited speaker)

46-Bipolar Disorder &Neueropsychiatric disorder. 20th National child and adolesecnt Psychiatry Congress. Bodrum 2010(invited speaker)

47-Autism Spectrum Disorders:Nozological discussion. . 20th National child and adolesecnt Psychiatry Congress. Bodrum 2010(invited speaker)

48.Life events and ADHD. 21th National child and adolesecnt Psychiatry Congress. Bodrum 2011(invited speaker)

49.ADHD&Mood Disorders in Adolescents. 8th Biyolojik Psikiyatri Conference,İstanbul 2011

50.Autistic spectrum disorder through life span. 8th Biyolojik Psikiyatri Conference ,İstanbul 2011

51. Efective Treatment in ADHD.4Th ADHD Institute İstanbul 2011

52.DEHB ve kaygı boz ayırıcı tanı. 4 uncu DEHB Enstitüsü İstanbul 2011

53. Tic,OCD,ve Masturbation . 47th Neurology annaual congress 2011 Antalya

54.Attention defict Hyperactivity Disorder Adana 8 Jan 2013

55.Effective treatment in ADHD. 4 march 2013 , Kocaeli University,Izmit

56.Treatment approaches in ADHD. 14 March 2013 Izmir Ege University

57. Autism spectrum disorders 15 March 2013 Izmir Ege University

58: Is cure possible in autism?World Autism Awareness Symposium Istanbul

59: , Treatment approaches in ADHD April 2013 Ankara ,

60: ADHD : an overview .18 April Istanbul

61:Assessment in autism spectrum disorders(course),25 April Istanbul

62: Assessment and follow up in autism spectrum disorders.23th National Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Meeting(Edirne 2013)

63:Comorbidity of ADHD and ASD. (invited speaker) 23th National Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Meeting(Edirne 2013)

64:Psychiatric Approaches in ASD(invited speaker) . 23th National Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Meeting(Edirne 2013)

65:ADHD:An overview.15th (invited speaker).National Child Neurology Conference Sivas.

66: Diagnosis and treatment in ADHD . 49th . Turkish Pediatric Congress . İstanbul Lütfi Kırdar Congress Center June 2013

67.Treatment in ADHD. 5th ADHD Institute Istanbul

68. Recovery form autism,myth or reality?1.konya Autism Days Nov 2013 Konya

69. Assessment and follow up in Autism. (invited speaker)I. Konya Autism Days Nov 2013 Konya

70. ADHD and comorbid disorders: Treatment Approaches (invited speaker).25 th Annual National Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Meeting –Istanbul Turkey April 2015

71-Early detection in Autism Spectrum Disorders (invited speaker). 25 th Annual National Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Meeting –Istanbul Turkey April 2015

72.Assessment and Follow Up in Autism Spectrum Disorders . (invited speaker) 25 th Annual National Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Meeting –Istanbul Turkey April 2015

73.Autism Spectrum Disorders( 14th April 2015) (invited speaker) Şişli Municipiliity,Istanbul

74.Autism Spectrum Disorders( 16 April 2015) (invited speaker) Istanbul Municipality,Istanbul

75. Revery from autism,myth or reality? (invited speaker) Mualla Ozturk Symposium Ankara Feb 2016

76. What is new in Autism Field ? (invited speaker) 26 . National Annual Meeting of Child and adolescent psychiatry April İZMİR

77. Early detection of autism . (invited speaker)60 th Turkish National Pediyatri Congress Nov 2016 Antalya

78.Early signs of autism in infancy((invited speaker)Child Friends Conference 8 March 2017 İstanbul

79 .Autism diagnosis in children under 3 years old . (invited speaker)Autism from diagnosis to Intervention Meeting .Biruni University April 2017

80.Do children with autism recover? Autism Awareness Meeting .Koç University April 2017

81.Latest data on autism reseaches. Selahettin Şenol Symposium Ankara 2018

82.Specific learning disorder (Conference )Uskudar University Brain Hospital April 2018

83.Do children with autism recover ?Autism awareness day Uskudar University

84.Psychiatric Comorbidities in individuals with ADHD.28th Turkish Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Meeting

85.Recent Development in Autism Researches. 28th Turkish Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Annual Meeting

86.Autism Spectrum Disorder Through Life Span. Erenköy Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi 2019

87.Understanding Autism Based on New Research Data:.La Paix 2019

88. Autism Spectrum Disorder :From Diagnosis to Management of Treatment Program . 29.National Congress of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2019 Istanbul
